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Privacy Policy

Last updated Jul 11, 2023

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how Satélite de Estórias Lda. (“Satélite,” “we,” or “us”) collects, uses and discloses your personal information. This Policy applies to information we collect when you use our website (, Chrome browser extension ”Satellite Tab”, and other possible online products and services where this Policy is posted (collectively, the “Service”).

1. Information we collect

The information we gather or process is used solely to improve the quality of Service. The information is non-personalized and never sold to third parties. No personally-identifying information is collected.

We use Google Analytics as a third party analytics provider, to help us understand how users engage with the Service. It compiles Service usage reports and helps us improve UX and functionality. The reports disclose Website trends without identifying individual visitors.

We use Sentry for error tracking. When an error occurs during Service usage, Sentry collects related technical details. It helps us quickly address technical problems.

Some operations require access to the Google API. An OAuth2 refresh token might be stored for this purpose. However, other data accessible via the Google API is never stored on the Service side. The token is removed 180 days after login, but you can force its removal by logging out. You can review issued tokens and their permissions under the Security section of your Google Account.

2. Information accessible through Chrome Extensions API

Extension API used within Chrome Extension, has fine-grained permission levels that are enforced by the Web Browser, restricting information that Service has access to within your Browser. Satellite Tab may access only the information you have explicitly granted permission for. This guarantee is enforced by Chrome Browser itself.

storageUsed to store a key for synchronization of work of the extension background process (Service Worker) and a new tab script.
declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccessUsed to modify network requests from a new tab only.

Additional optional permissions may be requested when you enable specific features. You can revise these permissions in the main settings panel of the extension.

faviconAllows widgets to show icons of sites.

3. Cookies

We use cookies for analytics purposes in order to operate, maintain, and improve the Service. Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to track user interactions which helps show how users use the Service. You can opt out of Google Analytics without affecting how you visit our Website by going to or via Google's Ads settings.

Some operations may require an additional "sessionid" cookie to associate data submitted by a user, such as the Google authentication token. This cookie has a limited expiration time, after which all the data is deleted. You can force removal by logging out.

4. Privacy Policy Changes

We may change the provisions of this Policy at any time and will indicate when changes have been made by revising the date at the top of this Policy. Your use of the Service, or any portion thereof, following the posting of such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes. We encourage you to review the Policy whenever you access the Service to make sure that you understand our information collection, use and disclosure practices. If we make material changes to this policy, we will provide you with additional notice of such changes and give you an opportunity to opt-out of the Service before using or sharing previously collected information in a materially different way.

5. Contact

We welcome questions, comments and requests regarding this Policy. Send them via email to [email protected].

Google OAuth2 Limited Use Disclosure

”Satellite Tab” Chrome browser extension’s use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.